작성일 : 21-02-05 22:59
A Manufacturing ‘Google’ Could Be a Breakthrough for Reshoring
 글쓴이 : CALA Korean
조회 : 232  
   https://www.industryweek.com/the-economy/competitiveness/article/21154… [52]
   https://www.industryweek.com/resources/iw-best-practices-reports/white… [59]
Today’s supply chains and manufacturing operations are global, highly efficient, and carefully tuned. At the same time, the COVID-19 black-swan event has demonstrated painfully that they are also fragile and lacking transparency at times when faced with unexpected disturbances. The various interruptions led to a shortage of essential goods, ranging from PPE and smartphones to critical industrial parts impacting the final assembly of cars and ventilators.

The consensus is, that we urgently need to improve resiliency, agility, and visibility of global supply chains moving forward to avoid similar issues in the future.

Future supply chains need to reinvent themselves, embracing disruptive technologies and reimagined processes—thus creating digital supply networks that are capable of rapidly adapting to all kinds of scenarios. One crucial capability is to leverage a diverse set of organizations by creating efficient, ad-hoc value chains, including local manufacturing resources.
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